Mindee Arnett

Mindee’s Favorite Onyx & Ivory Quotes

Dear Friends,

Today I’m sharing some of my favorite quotes from Onyx & Ivory. To be honest, these are my favorite, non-spoilery, non-context quotes. By that I mean, these are ones you can mostly understand and, hopefully, appreciate, without having read the rest of the book. There are plenty of other quotes I liked even more, but I felt like you needed to have read up to that point to fully appreciate them. Maybe I’ll share some of those after the book is out. Or better yet, maybe some of you will share those with me.

I hope you enjoy, and I would love to know your favorite of these! Don’t forget the book is out May 15, but there’s still time to enter the preorder giveaway.

Musingly yours,


Filed under: Onyx and Ivory, Uncategorized
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