Mindee Arnett

Furry Friday: The Small Things

One of my favorite lines in the new The Hobbit movie is when Gandalf talks about how it’s the little things in life that keeps the darkness at bay, small acts of kindness and love. It just so happens that I believe this. And it’s not just intentional acts that fight off darkness in all of its forms—whether it be despair, doubt, worry, or even actual evil—but the unintentional moments of light and happiness, too. Moments that are often caught in photographs like the ones below. These are the moments you should cling too. These are the ones that make all the difference.

The pics below aren’t special of life-altering. They’re of animals that none of you know or have any reason to care about. They’re ordinary, in other words. And yet, to me, they matter. And that makes them special. It’s easy to lose sight of how our personal connection to things makes the everyday extraordinary, especially  in a business as crazy as writing. So here’s me, taking a moment to reset my own perspective and to remind myself of the little things.

And hopefully  I can pass on a smile or two onto you.

Happy Friday!

Silly kitty










Silly doggie










Sleepy kitty


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