Mindee Arnett

Happy New Year!

Wow, I can’t believe 2013 is here, and 2012 is over. How did this happen? Where did all the time go? 2012 was a strange mix of hurry up and wait for me, and try as I might, I really can’t believe that my debut is right around the corner. I guess maybe I’ll start believing it once it’s here. Then again, maybe not.

Anyway, 2012 was an awesome year, full of some awesome things. I got to do my first 3-day Event (just a Starter, but still awesome, and yes I’m talking about horses here). I sold my YA sci-fi to Balzer & Bray (HarperCollins), the newly dubbed Avalon. I got to see and reveal the gorgeous cover for The Nightmare Affair twice! Not to mention the arrival of real, hold-them-in-my-hands ARCs. And I made a bunch of new writerly friends. It was definitely a year to be thankful for.

I don’t really have any resolutions or goals for 2013. All I want to do is survive all the coming crazy and the busy, insane schedule. Oh, and to have some fun along the way.

So have a happy New Year! I hope your 2013 is full of good friends, good times, and most especially good stories!

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